Installation Instructions-Windows

  • Click on the button above to begin the download. Select a file location and click “OK” or “Save File.”
  • Extract the ZIP file to a convenient location.
  • Double-click “setup.exe” and follow prompts.

Version Notes

v3.6.1, 11/28/2022

Expanded built-in library to nearly 700 pieces (!!)

Added raised lettering “engraving” to STL prints

Added 2-piece (top and backbore) option (with 3/8″-40 threads) to STL export

Fixed localization issues with STL export (in locations that natively use commas as decimal).

v3.3.4, 04/06/2022

Added dimensional compensation and easy file naming for STL export.

Added export of screenshot (with configurable annotations) to file or clipboard.

Added SVG export.

Fixed/added blank choices and made them available by supported instruments.

Added Euroshank tuba. Added short/UK cornet (defaulting to new Korbeto blank).

Added tenorhorn because of Cookie’s incessant whining.


Enables low brass. Adds export of STL.

Bug fixes.

v2.0.3, 10/07/2019

Greatly enhances the CAD tools, allowing direct editing of control points. Graphs control points as green Xs, allowing dragging.

Adds Undo/Redo functions at all design levels.

Changes the backbore design function to allow direct editing of cylindrical throat region length and recasting “reamer selection” as “profile selection.”

Bug fixes.

v1.0.2, 08/30/2019

This is the initial release for the Vennture website grand opening! It includes updated documentation and a bug fix where re-opened *.mpc files were not correctly updating the QC variables.

v1.0.0, 08/21/2019

Hello world! This is the initial release.

Installation Instructions-MacOS

  • Click on the button above to begin the download. Select a file location and click “OK” or “Save File.”
  • Double-click on the .DMG file in its stored location.
  • Follow the prompts to agree to the software license and launch the DMG user interface.
  • There will be two steps labeled 1 and 2: first, double clicking the package to install software components to allow VennCAD run, and then dragging the VennCAD executable into your Apps folder.

Version Notes


Matches functionality in Windows v3.6.1


Matches functionality in Windows v3.3.4


Initial MacOS release!