E-Gift Card

E-Gift Card


An electronic gift card of any size.

A trumpet, cornet, or flugelhorn mouthpiece sells for $205, as a suggestion.

Gift card balances will never expire.

Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
500 characters remaining
Up to a year from today
Quantity: 1
1 to each recipient


This really is the perfect gift for the brass player in your life. We all like giving people gifts related to their “thing.”

Your person loves their instrument. Probably talks about playing constantly. Perhaps too constantly. But do they really want another t-shirt or tie or pair of socks with a trumpet on it? No, they don’t. You’ve never seen them wear the last few you’ve given them, have you? No, you haven’t.

So break the mold. Do something new. You don’t know what kind of mouthpiece to get them. There are thousands of models to choose from. So give them the opportunity to design their own and order it. A truly unique, can’t miss gift.